On 8th of April 2010, Apple reveals up their plan which is about giving out new updates to all iPhone users. The new features certainly will make the iPhone easier to interact with apps, manage your daily e-mail, read books and many more.
The main new features includes: Multitasking:seven multitasking services, allow tasks to be perform on background while at the same time preserving the performance and battery life.
Folders:Organize your apps by drag- and - drop to appropriate folder which will provide you faster access to favorites apps by only simple browse.
Better Mail:faster switch between inboxes, see all e-mail accounts displayed together in a specified inbox.
iBooks:offers browsing, buying and reading books on your mobile.
Apple iPhone operating system version 4.0 offers its user with new add on which is linked contacts. It appears at the below of each contact info layout.
Once a linked contact has been added to a primary contact, the info pane for the primary contact merges that contact information for both contacts into a single pane relabeled as "Unified Info." An option at the base of the unified pane lists the number of linked contacts and directs users to a "Linked Contacts" pane to merge even more contacts into the unified list.
I'm proudly present, the best legendary phone for Nokia goes toNokia 3310. :) These is based on number of user opinions and reviews about it.CLICK here to see the whole opinion (it's over than 64 pages)
and i would like to say that Nokia 3310 are really special because of its:
Durability: It stills functioning well even after you throw your phone to any mad dog Size: Perfect and comfortable!
There might be a lot of technique/ skills on the other website which refers to how to manage your Nokia N900 battery consumption. Here are summary of things that you can do to increase the capabilities of your battery.
Good luck!!!
Choose 2G network rather than 3G: 2g preserve longer of battery life than 3G. It depends on your location, and requirement. If you really need faster data connection, then only you switch to 3G mode.
Reduce Screen Brightness: as low as possible, depends on situation: dark or bright of surrounding.
Nokia, it's such a global giant mobile phone company that has been developing for decades. But, why it's still be the choice of the consumer although the technological advancement of the product slower compare to other brands? e.g primary camera megapixel still maximum at just 8 megapixels compare to samsung which is current highest m.pixel is 12.
First, Nokia mobiles phone already widely known for their high quality of product. They use highly durable materials for any parts of the bodies, even if you accidentally drop your phone to the ground and it's still in a good condition.
Second, Nokia already rooted its name in the global market for a long time. Thus, when in consideration of phone buying process, its brands will certainly attract a large number of buyers to purchase the product.
Third, Nokia phones are mostly affordable for various type of people around the world. Even if you are in the poor country, there's still people buying the Nokia because not most of its product expensive. There is a range from expensive to the cheap of Nokia phones, thus it also helps to provides flexibility of your spending on budget to buy a new phone.
By this week Nokia and Intel released the operating system (OS) code for MeeGo, an OS that's a merger of the Maemo and Moblin mobile operating systems. Nokia and Intel have opened up the OS base from the Linux kernel to the OS infrastructure and the middleware layer. A full MeeGo release is expected in May. subsource:mobileburn mainsource:meeGo
The several main factor when looking out choices of smartphone: 1)Design~ must be suit to most of condition, not too heavy and handy. 2)Camera 3)Music 4)Interface/platform
I've borrow my friend's phone (iphone 3gs) and i use it for few hours to see whether it's true that Nokia N900 (which currently i'm using) is better than iPhone 3gs in most of aspect.
What i can see, what i can feel, when i'm browsing the web, it seems to be that N900 give be the best in term of perfomance and loading of all graphic, picture and animation in each of page. What's actually iphone doesn't have Full Flash 9.4 as like as N900. With full flash, i can also play games from facebook similarly like playing on laptop/pc.
Although N900 is still under development, it beats iphone 3gs interface as N900 widgets and icons logically give me a better navigation as it has 800*480 display screen allow me to have almost of all application shortcuts on the wall.
The QWERTY keyboard is another aspect that adds value for your money as you might get dificult of posting huge entries on website, or even writing long notes. N900 gives you choice of using the onscreen kyboard layout if your too lazy to slide out the Qwerty keyboard.
Thankfully, I'm one of the rare people who only had little issues with my N97. Well you can consider them little.. compared to the huge issues some people have. My phone's issues are:
1- Ring tone issue.. I set it to something but it changes back to the default Nokia tone
2- Low RAM free space... just about 40mb++ upon each of successful hard format, thus it leads to low perfomance when running multiple applications.
3- Low integrated gps reception, it takes long time to lock satelite coordinate.
3- Camera lens scratches... and the funny thing is, I contacted Nokia care via email.
Check out the hilarious response:
they must be kidding right? What kind of quality testing if the phone cover scratches itself?!
Dear Ady , Thank you for emailing Nokia Careline.
We sincerely regret to hear that you have been facing ongoing issues with your Nokia (N97) and we apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We wish to assure you that all Nokia products undergo a very thorough quality assurance program with extensive research and development. Nokia maintains the most stringent quality controls available so that we can confidently provide one of the most reliable products in the industry. Hence, there are no generic faults with this or any other Nokia mobile phones.
After considering all factors, im already decided of buying a new model of phone and of course it should be better than previous one. I'm targeting of buying N900 if and only if i have extra money/ budget by this month. I'l stay supporting nokia's product though recently i have bad experience with it and all because of i'm still trusting Nokia than other phone brands. TQ
By this 21st Century, the technology changes rapidly as time passes away. In other words, we seem to apply the technology to our daily life in order to communicate faster and easier.
I can still remember of sending text message from my old, heavy Nokia phone few years ago and what i can say "it's legendary moments to remember". As at that time, only few people manage to buy a set of phone because the cost of having one is really expensive. Answering calls from mobile phone at that time was the coolest thing ever done because it's wireless and portable.
Then few years later, there's a lot of mobile technology improvement where it starts with ringtone etc, pholyphonic, monophonic and there are also changes in phone screen in size where it's compressed and handy of size and the screen seems to be much colourful rather than only black and grey dots. I realize that phone gets really attractive by each year based on their funtionalities and appeareances as the mobile firm keeps on going R&D.
History & development of mobile phone
1G ability to transfer calls from one site to the next 2G trend of away from the large phone toward tiny 100 to 200g hand held devices. Able to Person- Person SMS (Short Message Service)3G (2Mbit/s max data rate indoor, 384kb/s outdooors. Live streaming of radio and television 4G- receives calls over internet, LAN or Wan using VoIP